Monday, August 23, 2010

Sweet 'N Low Gingerbread Cake Mix Best Quality

This gingerbread is terrible. Truly terrible. Inedible, even. It's not just because it is sugar-free. Of course sugar-free cake is going to be a little different and less rich. But this is way, way worse than other sugar-free baked goods. I have had sugar-free chocolate cake and loved it. THIS mix is terrible. There are many reasons:

- The batter is like a mousse, that just gets hard when it bakes. So it looks like crap because it doesn't smooth out as it bakes. Every spoon-mark is still there when you pull it out of the oven. It looks really weird. You could not serve it to company.
- The cooking time on the box (for the loaf pan) is ten minutes too long.
- There is no ginger taste, or cinnamon, nutmeg, or spice flavour in this "ginger" bread. It is flat and tasteless.
- The lack of other flavours allows the nasty aftertaste from the Sweet & Low(tm) to bloom with full force.
- The gingerbread is lacking in body, because it is as light and fluffy as a mousse. It is not helpful for dieters because it is not satisfying to eat because when you eat it, you feel like you haven't eaten anything. Strangely, this gingerbread mousse is also rubbery. Rubbery stiff mousse that dissolves in your mouth.

The overall experience is like biting into a vaguely sweet sponge. Then it dissolves. And then the bitter chemical aftertaste kicks in.

I have NO IDEA how a slice of this gingerbread could be 160 calories. There's nothing in it, it tastes nasty, and it is gross to chew on! You can have a gingerbread Pop Tart(tm) for 200 calories, or a bakery gingerbread cookie for 120 calories, and they are full of fat and sugar. How can this sugar-free, taste-free, light and fluffy rubber crap be 160 calories?Get more detail about Sweet 'N Low Gingerbread Cake Mix.

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